Enjoys: deep thoughts, simple pleasures, dark storylines, rain, mysticism, anything chocolate, nature, good books, eclectic music, daydreaming at night
Dislikes: ignorance & arrogance, narrow-mindedness, soap operas, materialism, pretention, greed, deforestation, ethnocentricity
Myers-Briggs Type: INFP
Has: many manias
Quotes: Here's one by Liza Minnelli: "Reality is something you rise above."
Enjoys: the smell of vanilla, the taste of chocolate, playing the clarinet in her wonderful band, writing and creating art, reading poetry on a stormy night
Dislikes: egotistical people, hunters, poachers, etc., eggplant
Myers-Briggs Type: ENFP
Original Quotes: "Don't talk with your mouth open!"
"Why must one be happy to enjoy life?"
botanical name: punica granatum
homeland: Italy
origin: the Mediterranean
enjoys: contemplation
dislikes: rabid fruit-eaters and cold weather
allies: Dalim, Granada, and Pomo Punico--and shilpa and priya, too, though they be humans
Myers-Briggs Type: ESTP
A word from the pomegranate: people who know nothing of pomegranates assume that just because my skin feels tough, I have no feelings. They don't realize how thin a pomagranate's skin really is!
We pomegranates have a rich history. Even in different sorts of human literature, pomagranates retain their identities as magical, enlightening fruits. So you see, I, as my ancestors, am very wise and very powerful.
quote: "Praise to the Almighty Pomegranate!"
"I forget who it was that recommended men for their soul's good to do each day two things they disliked: it was a wise man, and it is a precept that I have followed scrupulously; for every day, I have got up and I have gone to bed."--W. Somerset Maugham